Custom OCS Edge Server Snap-In

One of the more obnoxious pieces of OCS is the fact that there isn’t a dedicated MMC snap-in for the Edge Servers, but instead you have to open the entire Computer Management console. The method below will let you create a simple MMC that only opens the OCS Edge server parts.

  1. I know this seems like a long-winded way to open Computer Management, but we need the full MMC window to save the custom snap-in, so go to Start | Run, type in mmc and press OK.
  2. Go to File | Add/Remove Snap-In and press Add.
  3. Choose Computer Management and press Add, Finish, Close and OK.
  4. Expand Computer Management | Services and Applications, right-click on Microsoft Office Communications Server 2007 and choose New window from here.
  5. Now you should have a window with the root as your OCS controls. Click on File | Options.
  6. Click the Change Icon button and then browse to C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Office Communications Server 2007\RTCMMCR2.dll and press OK.
  7. You should now have a few options for icons. My preference is the first one that matches up with the icon for internal servers. 
  8. You can also rename the console to something friendlier, like Office Communications Server 2007. I’d also suggesting change the console mode to User mode – full access to keep the console from opening in author mode each time.
  9. Click on File | Save As… and save your custom MMC somewhere safe, say, C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\My Documents.
  10. Personally, I find it dumb to have a shortcut in Administrative Tools that doesn’t work, so I like to replace the one OCS installs. Right-click on the existing OCS 2007 shortcut in Programs | Administrative Tools and choose Properties.
  11. Change the target for the shortcut to wherever you saved your custom MMC. Mine was at C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\My Documents\OCS Edge.msc.
  12. You should be all set now. Opening the Office Communications Server 2007 shortcut will now open a usable snap-in.


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Hi there. My name is Tom Pacyk and this is my small home on the web. I love the intersection of design, technology, and communication, which is a combination that led me to a career in sales and marketing roles at places like Zoom and ServiceNow. They're a bit old now, but I also had the opportunity to publish a couple of books along the way.

Portland, Oregon is home for me, my wife Beth, and our three kids, but I'm actually a Midwestern transplant—I grew up in the Chicago suburbs and went to school at Purdue and Illinois. When I find some free time I'm probably going to concerts, rooting for the Portland Timbers, or working on my Sunshine Burn Photography project.